R94 Review by Yoyoskills.com
Product Review - The R94 by Oke Rosgana - RosYo
I am sure that many kids reading the article don’t know who Oke Rosgana is, which is a real shame if you ask me. Oke was persuaded to perform in 2000 by YoHans himself which lead to tours and a 2001 Indonesian National Championship. He created the artwork on many yo-yo products yoyoers see every day. He won first place on the TV show “30 Seconds of Fame” leading to him touring the Sudan as a corporate demonstrator. Oke is so popular in his home country, back in 2008 FHM magazine (Indonesia) declared him the “The Sexiest Yo-Yoer” and gave Oke a three page interview spread. Oke is also the player behind the Werrd RozzoR and now, the fantastic Mr. Rosgana has released his own yo-yo under his new brand, RosYo. Oke contacted me about a review of the R94 and this week, I was ready to see what Oke brought to the high end metal market.
First Impressions:
The R94 came in a nice lined blue box. There are no logos or writing on the box, but that is not a huge deal when dealing with a high end import. The green and purple halves are bright and consistent. There is a small RosYo.com logo on the inner rim of the green half, and in the cup is large “R” to the 94th power. The purple half is free from any laser engraving or logo. It is a very clean look. Obviously I am smitten by the colorway. Green and purple are my stage colors and with a bright surface like this, the yo-yo would be very visible from across the room. Overall, the presentation and first impression of this yo-yo is great. It has a strong look, a bold traditional line shape, and a bright colorway.
Comfort and Tech:
Weight: 65g
Response: silicone pad
Gap: 4.2mm approx
Width: 42mm
Diameter: 51.8mm
Colour Green-Purple
Bearing: Size C stainless steel
The specs on the RosYo R94 seemed to call out to me. I have always been a fan of the middle-of-the-line throws like the Peak and the specs of the R94 are actually pretty close. The 42mm width lays your fingers completely in the catch zone. The 51.8 mm diameter fits the hand nicely. The outer rim curves into the gap and then turns sharply at the response area. At first, I thought the response wall was flat, but upon closer examination I discovered that the flat wall actually slants upwards to the response groove. This takes the already massive 4.2mm gap and makes it even wider. The response groove has a white silicone pad that could be replaced with flowable silicone or CNC pads. The C size bearing sits on a bearing seat post surrounded by a deep bearing seat well. Again, I have to pause and appreciate that more and more designers are moving to this bearing seat assembly. A deep well keeps junk off the bearing wall and reduces the possibility that the bearing will get permastuck on the seat.
The finish is superb. One of the ways I can tell a strong anodization from a weak one is to look at the threads in the axle hole. This is the thinnest area of anodization because the finish is already worn down from assembly. Just looking here, the R94 looks to have a nice strong finish that should resist scratching and wear. The finish is also smooth to the touch and feels like a champion grinder. The axle seems to be a bit short. This may be intentional for players that prefer a half spec bearing, but it makes for a slightly awkward assembly.
On a Throw
Have you ever thrown a yo-yo and from throw one, you already know everything you need to know? The R94 is like that. From the first throw, the R94 played floaty and smoothly. It seems to force you to slow down which can be great if you have the habit of playing of muscle memory alone. While I prefer fast and solid throws, I think it is important to have a floaty throw to force you to slow down and discover new elements in your trick combinations. The R94 spins steadily and smoothly. It handles hops and transfers well, and keeps its stability during gyros. I felt that it didn’t handle user mistakes that well. If you make a mistake, you better focus on binding because your spin-time is limited. As long as your not flubbing, the R94 is a stable and smooth throw. It feels a bit heavier than 65 grams but that is likely weight placement.
The strongest and most surprising feature on the R94 was the grind surface. I popped the R94 up in the air, landed it on my finger, and it just seemed to float there like a hummingbird who found a nectar rich flower. A slight turn of the hand and it climbed my arm without any vibration. The inner ring groove was nice and deep, creating a perfect target to land on the thumb nail. The R94 is a wonderful grind yo-yo.
Final Thoughts
I have to hand it to Oke. The R94 is a fantastic yo-yo that hits all the targets on a list of what makes a desirable yo-yo. Oke knocked it out of the park. The R94 is a great yo-yo for anyone looking to perform. It has a very clean float without bloat feeling. If you like a yo-yo with a floaty feel, the R94 should be at the top of your list. At an average price around $100, the R94 is a high end design with a high end playability.
Available at:
I can’t seem to find any other retailers. If you know any other place the R94 is for sale, please post it in the comments.
Written by Chris “Dr. Yo-Yo” Allen who is patiently waiting for FHM to call him…….
Edited by Dustin “Splugen” Gunter, who thinks this yoyo is Oke-Dokey GROAAAAAAANNNNN BOOOOOOOOOOOO