KOMIK ku di Amerika
24 hours Komik ku sudah di terbitkan secara sederhana di amerika
DocPOP seorang teman yang juga pemain yo-yo mencetaknya dan menjualnya di sana...
pagi ini dia mengabariku kalau Komik ku ada yang beli dan mereka menyukainya...
berikut petikan DOCPOP di situs flickr nya:
The Magic Yo-Yo (orange book, second from the left) is a brand new 24 hour comic book from my friend Oke Rosgana. Even though he lives in Indonesia, we considered his one man 24hr comic day event as a sister event to ours in SF. The end result is a charming story of how a bespectacled handsome young man became a yo-yoing superhero.
You can read the whole thing online here.

photo by Scott Beale / Laughing Squid
This photo is licensed under a Creative Commons license. If you use this photo within the terms of the license or make special arrangements to use the photo, please list the photo credit as "Scott Beale / Laughing Squid" and link the credit to laughingsquid.com.
DocPOP seorang teman yang juga pemain yo-yo mencetaknya dan menjualnya di sana...
pagi ini dia mengabariku kalau Komik ku ada yang beli dan mereka menyukainya...
berikut petikan DOCPOP di situs flickr nya:
The Magic Yo-Yo (orange book, second from the left) is a brand new 24 hour comic book from my friend Oke Rosgana. Even though he lives in Indonesia, we considered his one man 24hr comic day event as a sister event to ours in SF. The end result is a charming story of how a bespectacled handsome young man became a yo-yoing superhero.
You can read the whole thing online here.
photo by Scott Beale / Laughing Squid
This photo is licensed under a Creative Commons license. If you use this photo within the terms of the license or make special arrangements to use the photo, please list the photo credit as "Scott Beale / Laughing Squid" and link the credit to laughingsquid.com.